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Field Assignment #5: Animal Mashup


Classic Animation

For me the most classic animation is Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies from the early 1950s. I don’t remember when I started watching the hour long anthologies called the Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show, but it stuck with me, and holds quite a bit of nostalgia, which is part of what makes it classic.

Merrie Melodies was originally aired in colour, while Looney Tunes was black and white. From the Looney Tunes franchise came several differently named cartoon anthologies like the Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show, comics, films (more recent), video games, DVD releases, and clothing. This franchising keeps the “Looney Tunes” brand alive.

The animation was hand drawn, the shorts given a lower budget, but still contested with early Disney animation.

The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show was created by Warner bros., and ran on Saturday mornings for almost 40 years.

Also part of what makes Looney Tunes classic is it’s movement outside of reality where the characters can playfully die and come back to life, putting a humorous spin on death and attempted murder (ie. While E Coyote always trying and failing to elaborately capture the Road Runner). Looney Tunes was highly satirical for the time, and influenced future cartoons to step out of the more “kid-friendly” stereotype.

Field Assignment #4: Complaint

At my house it seems painfully hard to remember (or bother) to put another milk bag in the jug after it’s been emptied. So i decided to leave a subtle reminder.



Field Assignment #3: Calligraphy

wanted poster

Field Assignment #2: Typographic Tattoo

I had Alice In Wonderland on the brain today. So this is what I came up with.

corporate mascot

Dairy Queen meets Rocky Horror